Moving to StoryGraph

Hello Reader Friends! Have you checked out StoryGraph yet?

 If you are a reader you are likely to have a Goodreads account. And if you are active in book social media you've probably heard of an alternative to Goodreads called StoryGraph. I've heard so many people raving about it that I decided that maybe I should try it myself. Friends it's worth it. While there are some things I wish were different the pros definitely out way the cons. So I'm moving my book tracking to StoryGraph. Though I still have my Good reads account, and will need to keep it because it's connected to my NetGalley account, but if that changes I may bid Goodreads a final goodbye. 

So what is it about StoryGraph that I find appealing? For one the data they show on the stats page is a whole lot more then the stats Goodreads provides. If you look at Goodreads My Year in Books you get basic stats such as how many books I've read and how many pages. What books I've read and what was the highest and lowest rated on Goodreads and finally it shows me what was the first book I reviewed and the last book I reviewed.

But StoryGraph breaks up the stats even further. It tells me what types of books I've read, what genres I read, what pace the books were, how many nonfiction, how many fiction books I read, and so much more. Plus they present it to you in these colorful graphs. The stats they report are just so cool and definitely my favorite part.

Other things I love about StoryGraph is how nice it looks. The pages look nice and neat and doesn't look complicated like Goodreads. Just look at the two home pages side by side. It's just easier on the eye and not so busy.

I also love how easier it is to track my PopSugar Challenge and Around the Year in 52 books. It has each prompt listed and you can add a book to the prompt to indicate you've finished that prompt. Which is so much easier then having to edit your post on Goodreads and search for the book click on it save it and then do it all over again for the next book. then you have to go to my books and add the book to the proper shelf. On StoryGraph when you are on the books page you can just click on the challenge then click on the prompt it fulfils and save and done. And it keeps track of everything for you.

So far there isn't much about StoryGraph I don't like but one thing that I wish was a little easier was fixing my read dates. In Goodreads I can easily add a date finished on the list of books I've read but with StoryGraph I actually have to click on the book and add the finished date which in the scheme of things is a small problem.

Overall if you are sick of Goodreads and what a better experience move to StoryGraph. and if you are worried about having to reinput all the books you've read don't. StoryGraph allows you to import your data from Goodreads so you can bring all you info with you.

Lastly I want to clarify that no one is paying me for this post and it is my own personal opinion.


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