Trying to Create a Library Curriculum

 Hello my fellow school librarians! 

I have been working at ACS for some time now and never had a set curriculum for my library classes with kindergarten and first grade. I pretty much winged it every year, choosing books at random that I think the kids will enjoy and books that might teach a timely lesson. But, in the course of my work I realized that the students don't have a clear foundation of Library terms and expectations so this year I decided that enough is enough and I need to finally put together something a little more official with my kiddos that will give them a good foundation and then they can go forth into other libraries with confidence. 

I know their are a lot of curriculum maps out there and a lot of librarians have created some good ideas on what to teach in their libraries. Yet not all of it will work for me. Our school days are weird we have an eight day schedule instead of five (if I try to explain it it will take over this blog post so if you want to understand it let me know and I'll dedicate a post trying to explaining my school system), suffice it to say I see each class once every eight school days. On top of that I only see them for a half hour. I also have to take in to consideration special holidays and events like Halloween and Compassion Week. So if I want to create a curriculum I'm going to have to be choosey in what I cover. 

So far I have the first four weeks of school completed and tentative plans for the rest of the semester. Hopefully I'll actually write a blog post describing each lesson but for know here is my first semester curriculum with the books I choose to read aloud to the kids. The blank sections are still TBD. If you have any suggestions feel free to share!


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