Book Review: Pencilvania by Stephanie Watson


Hey Reader Friends! 

It's been a while since I wrote a book review. With school starting and all that entails I haven't been reading. This weekend though I decided to work on some books I've been meaning to get to. Last year I signed up with Net Galley to preview some books. One of the books, I've been meaning to read was Pencilvania by Stephanie Watson and illustrated by Sofia Moore. I got access to it a month or so ago and have put it off for too long. So today I finished it so read on to see my thoughts about it.


Zora loves drawing just like her mother. When she gets inspiration to draw her mom calls it her Voom. But when Zora's mother passes away from Cancer Zora looses her Voom. After that her and her sister Frankie move to Pennsylvania with their Grandma Wren. When Frankie doesn't get horse riding lessons for her birthday like their mom planned Zora gets angry. She looks at all her previous drawings and grabs a pencil and scribbles over all of them. When the scribbles come to life and pull her and Frankie into the drawings they wake up in Pencilvania a world made up of Zora's drawings which are being overrun with scribbles that are destroying Pencilvania. When Frankie is kidnapped Zora goes on a quest to save her.  


I shouldn't have taken so long to read this book. It's a great tale about overcoming grief and about family. Zora's journey helps her overcome the all encompassing grief left over from her mother's death and helps in accepting the changes in her life. The characters in this book are great Zora is a relatable character to those who have lost loved ones. The many characters in Pencilvania are supportive of Zora and believe in her and that helps her become strong enough to fight back against the scribbles that try to destroy Pencilvania. Airrol is my favorite character he is strong and supports Zora and helps her get past the guilt she felt after her mother passed. I would definitely recommend this book to students.


  • Family
  • Art
  • Friendship
  • Guilt
  • Grief
  • Fantasy


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